Statement from Oxford SU on the resignation of the SU President

The Oxford Students’ Union Trustee Board can confirm that they have received formal notification of SU President, Dr Addi Haran Diman’s resignation effective immediately.  

The Board would like to extend its gratitude to Addi for her hard work in steering the SU through this period of Transformation thus far. We understand the difficult decision she has made to resign from her role as SU President and respect her decision to do so.  

Oxford SU would like to take the opportunity to clarify the arrangements for the remainder of the academic year.  

The role of SU President will not be re-elected. For the remainder of this academic year the organisation will be under the dual leadership of our outstanding Vice Presidents - Lauren Schaefer, VP Postgraduate Education & Access and Eleanor Miller, VP Undergraduate Education & Access.  

The board and the organisation remain committed to the principle of majority student representation on the Trustee Board, particularly as Oxford SU undergoes a transformation process with students at its core. A sabbatical trustee will assume the role of Chair of the Board.  

The process to retain the student majority on the SU Trustee Board will be made public in due course, noting that the new structures for 2025-26 continue to have a student majority on the SU Trustee Board. 

The SU now looks ahead to our upcoming elections, where we look forward to facilitating and bearing witness to the election of new student leadership for the 2025/2026 academic year who will take up the mantle of Transformation and representation.