Ethical Investment Representations Review Subcommittee (EIRRS)

The Ethical Investment Representations Review Subcommittee (EIRRS) is a subcommittee of Investment Committee,  which oversees the University's investment portfolio. In June 2024, Council, the University’s executive governing body, announced they would ask EIRRS to lead a University-wide review of the current prohibition on direct investments in companies manufacturing arms that are illegal under UK law (introduced in 2010) as well as investment in funds which invest primarily in such companies (introduced in 2021), and to discuss this restriction’s continued appropriateness or whether it should be extended.


How can students get involved?  

We are consulting students on to create a submission to EIRRS on these restrictions.

 We will be opening a student consultation following the below consultation timeline.  

Read the consultation document HERE.

Register interest in the consulation webinar HERE.

Complete the consultation survey HERE. (Password is: h5!Dq7 )

View the official EIRRS Presentation slides HERE.


Consultation Timeline: 

Monday 3rd February (3rd Week) - Consultation Opens 

Monday 17th February (5th Week) - Student Webinar on EIRRS 

Monday 24th February at 5pm (6th Week) - Consultation Closes 

Monday 3rd March (7th Week) - Students’ Union Submission is sent to EIRRS 

HT25 - EIRRS meets to agree final recommendation  


How can students get in touch? 

For queries relating to EIRRS and the consultation timeline, please direct these to our VP UG Education and Access: