Candidate for the position of NUS Delegates

Image for Caleb Van Ryneveld

Caleb Van Ryneveld




Plaintext manifesto:

Caleb van Ryneveld for NUS Delegate

Photo of Caleb smiling and standing in a university quad


The Oxford SU has spent decades as a member of the National Union of Students, costing Oxford students hundreds of thousands in affiliation fees while it has failed to represent us

Repeated antisemitism scandals have highlighted that racism is endemic in the institution, and it is more concerned with petty politics than standing up for students

As someone who served as Returning Officer of the SU, alongside sitting in the Steering Committee and elections Committee, I know that the NUS isn’t working

The case for leave:

The failing NUS:

The president of the National Union of Students has been fired following an independent investigation into antisemitism

The National Federation of Islamic Student Societies argues the “NUS is no longer fit for purpose”

Three of the last six NUS presidents have been embroiled in racism scandals, highlighting the endemic nature of the problem

Bad deal for Oxford:

None of the Officers of the National Union of Students are from Oxford University

Not one initiative has been proposed by the Oxford SU and supported at the National Conference in the last five years

Oxford SU sends over £20,000 a year to the NUS that could instead be spent on student welfare

The case for Caleb

Strong Negotiator:

Extensive experience advocating for students at Oxford, having represented your interest to the University Faculties as Chair of the Politics UJCC and the PPE rep for the Economics UJCC

Students society leadership, as the President Ex-Officio of Oxford Students for Liberty and Secretary of the Mises Society. I know the importance of student discourse

Communication strengths, having served as a Senior Editor for The Oxford Blue and Editor for The Oxford Student. I can present your case

Delegate for leave

In the capacity of NUS Delegate I commit to tirelessly support a free and fair referendum on the Oxford SU’s membership with an option for full disaffiliation

If the Oxford SU is still affiliated with the NUS by the National Conference this Spring, I will fight against the bureaucracy for a comprehensive  review to attempt root-and-branch reform of the NUS

At National Conference I would support a nationwide disaffiliation campaign to give students across the UK the opportunity to vote on their membership of the NUS