Candidate for the position of Vice President Welfare

Image for Rosalie Chapman

Rosalie Chapman


I am Rosalie Chapman (She/Her), a second year Human Sciences student at Hertford. I come from a state-comprehensive school and am first generation. I want to ensure every student has access to an education free from sexual violence, abuse or poor mental health. I plan to incorporate extensive welfare plans across JCRs, liberation campaigns and Oxford student societies, that are adaptive, intersectional and engaging.

Why me?


  • Welfare Officer/Secretary for OxSID
  • Vice President of 93% Club
  • Class Act Officer
  • Outreach Ambassador (Hertford)

Commitment to Community

Peer mentor trained; Volunteer Vaccinator (NHS); St John Ambulance First Aid Trained; Volunteer for asylum seekers 


Reform and Protest

  • Ensure all colleges do not use NDAs 
  • Expand gender neutral toilets (across colleges and uni-wide)
  • Promote the election of a welfare officer in every SU member club
  • Lobby for more Black, LGBTQ+, female counsellors
  • Fight period poverty - make sure all colleges provide free (and anonymous access to) sanitary products 
  • Increase funding for neurodiversity assessment and diagnosis 
  • Ensure drug awareness safety – free drug testing kits available to students
  • Mandatory training for tutors and porters to receive unconscious bias, sexual harassment and anti-discrimination training 

Sexual Violence

  • Conduct an ‘Oxford Speaks Out Survey’ to collect data on the prevalence of sexual violence to inform policy
  • Disciplinary procedure reform to report harassment, racism or sexual violence (moving to a 'balance of probabilities system' to support survivors)
  • Publish league tables for College adoptions of anti-sexual harassment policy
  • Empowered activism – participate Oxford in the global 16 days against gender-based violence campaign in November 
  • Lobby colleges and city centre club venues to adopt ‘Ask Angela’ for those feelings endangered 
  • College level revamp – guarantee Safe Lodge Policy across all colleges 
  • Organise a ‘What were you wearing exhibition’ for IHH’s 10 year anniversary to empower survivors of sexual violence 


  • Better learning – make lecture recording available across all departments
  • Mandatory sexual consent and implicit bias workshops (in JCR and MCRs) 
  • Empower individuals – start a ‘Hate Crime Champions’ initiate
  • Time Sensitive Intervention posts spread around Oxford 
  • More transparency – more signposting of hardship funds, disability allowance and exam access arrangements
  • Kickstart ‘drug talks’ across colleges in freshers week - on safe dosages and purity testing kits, to reduce drug harm

Mental Health

  • Lobby for reading week - 9 week term
  • Reform mental health support – campaign for a counsellor in each college, for immediate professional support 
  • Mental health first aid workshops in freshers 
  • Combatting social isolation - postgrads can be better integrated into Oxford (encourage postgraduate officer in societies)
  • Improved involvement – physical and online morning drop-ins with your VP Welfare