In Oxford, there are tons of ways to get involved in sustainability work and we hope this guide can help you.

If you have any questions, or still aren’t sure where’s best to get involved, reach out to your Environment Rep* at your college (findable here)

In addition the Sustainability Team sits within Estates Services, one of the central administrative departments of the University.

They developed the University Environmental Sustainability Strategy, which provides a more detailed climate and environmental policy for the university (it is important to note that the Sustainability Team is in charge of the university's estates and departments but not the colleges). They also run the national scheme Green Impact, a step-by-step guide designed for students and staff. The scheme helps students and staff in improving the sustainable practices of their building, department or college. If you would like to get involved or hear what the Sustainability Team is up to, visit

Read below for some University of Oxford societies/groups you can get involved with!

*Most colleges have environmental and ethics officers — students elected by the JCR or MCR/GCR to address sustainability in their college.  Get in touch with your environmental and ethics officer if you want to find out what climate action is happening at your college and how to get involved.

Oxford Climate Justice Campaign

Oxford Climate Justice Campaign (OCJC) is a student-led campaign, seeking to get the University to cut its ties with the fossil fuel industry.

The group is non-hierarchical and anyone is welcome to join their meetings and get involved. To find out more about the campaign and when their meetings are, check out their social medias.  

Facebook: Oxford Climate Justice  

Instagram: @oxfordclimatejustice 

Twitter: @OxUniFossilFree 


Oxford Climate Society

Oxford Climate Society (OCS) connects people interested in climate change, seeking to inspire and educate the next generation of climate leaders, take action towards ambitious emission reductions in Oxford, and provide platforms for academic, artistic and social engagement with climate change.  

Decarbonise Oxford is a campaign led by OCS aiming to get all of the University’s colleges and permanent halls to adopt carbon reduction and sustainability targets at least as ambitious as the University’s aim of net zero carbon and biodiversity net gain by 2035. This campaign will support students and staff in trying to get colleges to make these commitments, and will be hosting a number of events and meetings to do this. To find out more, check out OCS’ social media, and keep an eye on our SU events page as we’ll also be listing Decarbonise Oxford sessions there.  

Facebook: Oxford Climate Soc 

Instagram: @oxfordclimatesoc  

Twitter: @OxClimateSoc  


Check out other relevant societies such as Oxford Vegetarian Society and Oxford Conservation Society in our Societies Directory. 

College Environment & Ethics Officers  

Each college common room has an Environment and Ethics Officer (although it may be called a slightly different name), and you should be able to find out who they are here (if you’re logged in).

One way you can get involved in sustainability work is to reach out to them and find out what’s happening on a college level. You could also run for this role in your common room elections.

All the Environment and Ethics Officers are invited to Rep Comms, a meeting arranged by us at the Students' Union where they can get together to discuss issues, find solutions, and get support from the SU.