The shortlisted charities on the RAG Ballot this year are:

Local Charities

national charities

Voting on the RAG Ballot will open on February 5th, 8am, alongside the Oxford SU Leadership Elections.

Each year, RAG supports four charities which are selected by the all-student RAG Charity Ballot in Hilary Term. Of these four charities, two are local charities, and two are national or international charities. Local charities are defined as those based in Oxfordshire and where the majority of their work is conducted in Oxfordshire. These four selected charities will share RAG’s fundraising profits for the next academic year so from 1st August 2024 to 31st July 2025.  

In line with Oxford SU’s leadership elections, nominations for charities for Oxford RAG to support will open on the 12th January 2024. At this time, students will be able to outline the work of their preferred charity, how they would benefit from RAG’s support, and how the charity can support RAG’s growth and development. 

Nominations will be open until 26th January 2024. When nominations close the RAG Shortlisting Committee convenes to shortlist nominated charities into a maximum of 6 local and 6 national/international charities. 

Charities are then notified and given further time to campaign for student votes, which culminates in the RAG Charity Ballot. All students are able to vote on which charities RAG should support. The RAG Ballot uses the Single Transferable Vote system, to ensure that the RAG Charity Ballot represents, as best it can, the student population’s charitable aims. All members of Oxford SU (I.e. current students who have not opted out of membership) can vote. Two local and two national/international charities will be elected, and are notified in writing of their success in being selected.


Previous RAG Charities

Charities 2023/2024



  • Homeless Oxford
  • Jacari
  • Malaria Consortium
  • Emmaus

Charities 2022/2023



  • Oxford Pride
  • Oxford Poverty Action Trust
  • Amnesty International UK
  • ForRefugees

Charities 2021-2022


  • BEAT
  • The Access Project
  • Homeless Oxfordshire
  • Oxford Hospitals Charity


Charities 2020-2021


  • Against Malaria Foundation 
  • British Heart Foundation 
  • The Gatehouse


Charities 2019-2020


  • Beat
  • Keen Oxford
  • Oxfordshire Mind
  • Meningitis Now