What is the role?
As an NUS Delegate you will attend NUS Conference on the 17th and 18th April 2024 in Blackpool - we will fund you to go in-person, but you can attend and vote online if you prefer.
As an NUS Delegate you get to:
- Represent Oxford students on a national stage
- Demonstrate to future employers your commitment to and interest in democracy, collective action, and policy
- Make a tangible difference to the lives of students through the national student union movement.
- Learn about issues affecting students at different higher-education and further-education institutions.
At the Conference, delegates will take part in workshops to shape policies. They will vote on policies, and vote on the next NUS Sabbatical Officers, who will run the NUS for the next two years. Delegates will also vote on the NUS’s work and hold them accountable.
Delegates must record their votes at conference and report them to Student Council in Trinity Term. Delegate votes are not personal votes but are made on behalf of the 26,000 students at the University of Oxford. As such, certain votes can be bound by the mandate of Student Council and all votes can be scrutinised and held accountable by the Oxford student body.
7th Week
Nominations Open: Monday 26th February - 08:00
Nominations Close: Friday 1st March - 08:00
Manifesto Deadline: Friday 1st March - 12:00
Campaigning Begins: Friday 1st March - 17:00
8th Week
Voting Opens: Monday 4th March - 08:00
Voting Closes: Thursday 7th March - 13:00
Results Announced: Thursday 7th March - Afternoon
Rules & Complaints
You are encouraged to contact elections@oxfordsu.ox.ac.uk with any questions or concerns and to seek to settle complaints informally if possible.
If you think a student, candidate, or the SU has acted unfairly or improperly in relation to this election at any point, you should file a formal electoral complaint as soon as possible via the formal complaints form. Your identity will be kept confidential, and you will never be penalised for making a complaint in good faith. Any student can make a formal complaint.
The deadline for complaints is 13:30 on Thursday 7th March, or 48 hours after you become aware of the thing you are complaining about, whichever is sooner. A complaint about the conduct of the count may be submitted up to 24 hours after the announcement of results. Upon submission of a complaint, the Returning Officer will inform you of the next steps.
Candidate Expenses