Flora Wilson – Student trustee
- I’m Flora (she/her), a 2nd year classics undergraduate at Univ, and I’m running to be a Student Trustee at the OUSU.
- Impact of the Role: Being a Student Trustee would allow me to sit on the board of trustees for the entire Student Union, helping the students have their best interests represented.
- I have experience running societies at Oxford and at home, and have dealt with the college’s music society – this has involved legal and contractual compliance.
- I’ve been the Student Union Representative for my college, so have attended many student council meetings and have voted on important issues. I’ve also made use of SU resources like open letters to push my college into action (specifically with the NDA agreements).
- I am experienced with the workings of trusts, having seen first-hand the running of a school trust and spending time in court trust and trustee disputes.
- I’ll have had two years’ experience at this university, and have experienced with the Disability campaign run by the Student Union among other things
- OUSU is a student foundation, and I’d like to push for accountability and transparency so that students across the university are more aware of what is actually happening in terms of the governance of an institution responsible for our representation across the country.
- I’d like to ensure that the Student Union is functioning at its best and sticking to its key values of representing everyone, looking to further accessibility and inclusivity where it’s been often overlooked.