


Please log in to join this organisation.



Class Representative


Disabilities Rep

Graduate Rep



Welfare Officer

Women's Rep

anti-sexual violence campaign led by Oxford University students

It Happens Here is an anti-sexual violence campaign led by Oxford University students.

Need Support? Click here for our online resource guide.

Our Mission

Prevent. Protect. Empower.

Our Values

  • Inclusive & Intersectional
  • Confidential
  • Non-Directive
  • Survivor-Centred
  • Feminist
  • Collaborative & Accepting

Free Online Consent Training (for all Oxford University students)

  1. Go to
  2. Sign up with:
    1. your preferred email (doesn't have to be your Oxford university email)
    2. your college in the Institution-specific field
    3. c3fa6d9f in the Token field
  3. Activate the link sent to your email (check your junk folder if not received) and you'll be taken to the course. To access the course manually, look for the "Consent Matters: Boundaries, Respect and Positive Intervention, Second Edition (International)" course on the Epigeum website.
  4. The course is divided into three 20-minute modules, including:
    1. Thinking about consent
    2. Communication skills and relationships
    3. Looking out for others
  5. You can also add your certification to your CV and LinkedIn

If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual or domestic violence, you can find details about resources and support services on this webpage.

 To view our constitution please click the button below 

IHH Campaign Constitution


  • Support for Survivors

    13 Nov 2017

    The following document includes information about: In college support, University support, Local support, National support, Domestic Violence support , Contacting a SARC (sexual assault referral centre), Contacting the police and evidence collection, and getting medical attention

  • Supporting Survivors

    13 Nov 2017

    The following document provides you with some general advice about how best to support a survivor