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As a campaign, our core aims are:
By 'disabled students', we mean anyone who identifies as having a disability, whether this is officially recognised or not. This includes physical, sensory, cognitive, mental and developmental disabilities. This also encompasses those with chronic illnesses, learning difficulties, and mental health conditions.
The Disabilities Campaign is a place for support and everyone will be welcomed. If you are having any difficulties, please get in touch. Our committee consists of friendly individuals and we been through our fair share of issues with the Oxford system - we’ll do our best to help point you in the right direction.
To do our Disability 101 training, visit (you'll need to login).
Connect: For up to date information on the campaign please join our mailing list and follow us on Facebook.
Students with disabilities are invited to join our community Facebook group where we advise and support one another and discuss disability-related topics in a welcoming and confidential space. The group can be found here: For information on online support groups for specific conditions (such as anxiety and depression, Autism, ADHD, eating disorders, specific sensory impairments etc.) please check out the 'groups' section of our Facebook Page.
To view our constitution please click the button below
Discam Constitution
15 Jan 2020
This document contains guidelines for running accessible events, advertising the accessibility of events using accessibility notes, and accessible social media usage.
10 Apr 2019
This document contains a motion template for establishing the position of 'Disabilities Officer' on a Common Room Committee and multiple examples of the role description for 'Disabilities Officer' used at different colleges.
19 Jan 2020
List of books about disability/by disabled authors
This document contains accessibility information on 98 Oxford University libraries.
10 Jun 2020
This document has being created to outline best practice in terms of use of language when describing disability. We encourage people to share this with college/faculty staff as well as common rooms.